Monday, April 29, 2019

Y Ending Day

Blogging from A to Z Challenge

Theme: Why I watch movies (as if I need a reason)...

Y Ending Day

If it's a day of the week that ends with Y, that's a good reason to watch a movie, right? But especially Tuesday! Many theaters offer big discounts on Tuesdays. Some offer $5.00 admission all day Tuesday, any show, any time slot.

I have friends who go to the cinema every Tuesday because of the discount. A sister-in-law goes to the movie theater every Friday.

We usually watch movies (whether at home, or the cinema) during the weekend, Friday or Saturday. Because of our schedules, my husband and I haven't taken advantage of Tuesday deals... yet (maybe when he retires).

If we watch a movie on a Sunday, we watch it in our home and select an uplifting one.

Which day(s) of the week do you watch movies?


  1. A Sunday afternoon suits me best, not sure why!

  2. @Keith ... Relaxing on a Sunday afternoon is nice. I usually nap. 💤

  3. Trudy,

    I remember in our early years while I was in college, (we married young) DH and I would go to the movies often right after he got off from work because they offered an early feature at half the cost. Saturday matinee was the same. With me in school and us having only the one income, we tried maximizing our fun on a tight budget and there's nothing wrong with that. It worked out quite well for us. These days, you couldn't pay us enough to go to a theatre. Our movie preference is to either stream a film or watch something from our Blu-Ray library. We don't have to fool with sticky floors, messy seats, bathroom breaks missed scenes, pricey admission & snacks, and finally obnoxious people. We generally reserve movie watching for the weekend since we have to get up early plus it gives us something to look forward to. Thanks for the heads up on Tuesday deals. One day, (it's quickly catching up with us) that'll benefit us. We're just about done with the alphabet! Yippee!

    A2Z Little Mermaid art sketch 'Yazzy'

  4. @Cathy ... Viewing movies at home has definite advantages, for sure. And talk about "obnoxious people" ... we experienced that on Saturday night when we went to see Avengers: Endgame. The theater was packed, as expected, but seated next to us was a toddler. That's right... a toddler at a THREE HOUR movie! Up and down, climbing, fussing. Annoying.

  5. My husband checks Redbox almost every Tuesday to see if there are some new movies out there. We don't go to the movies very often. Great choice for Y!

    Janet’s Smiles

  6. @Janet ... You reminded me of another source I can check for movies... Redbox. I feel like I need to slap my forehead, "Duh!" We used to get movies from Redbox regularly, but for some reason I have't checked their site for several years, so I went on there after reading your comment... Imagine my surprise to learn they have On Demand movies! How did I not know this?

    (Of course, at my age, I wonder, "Did I not know? Or did I forget I knew?")

  7. Because I watch DVD movies and no longer attend movie theaters (for various reasons) my movie watching knows no schedule. Being retired and writing novels allows that.
    Z is for Zulu Warrior in Belgium?

  8. @Gail ... No schedule for movie watching sounds ideal!

    Thanks for visiting and making comments during the challenge. We made it to the end!
