Sunday, December 24, 2017

Day 24 - Make prayers more meaningful.

December 1 thru December 25 I am posting about movies which reflect each day's focus for #LightTheWorld

Day 24

"Ye must watch and pray always."

War Room (2015) is a great movie about prayer. At times it is over-the-top, but the film carries a vital message: Prayer is a powerful weapon. We never need to battle life's problems alone.

YouTube Movie Trailer: War Room

The following movies are based on actual events and reflect the power of prayer:

A disturbed couple take more than 100 students and teachers hostage. 
The bomb detonates in the room, and the two perpetrators die.
All of the hostages survive.
(Click here for my review of the film.)

Excel Entertainment Trailer: The Cokeville Miracle

A freak accident miraculously cures Anna Beam 
of an incurable life-threatening digestive defect.
(Click here for my review of the film.)

Sony Pictures Trailer: Miracles from Heaven

Of course, not all prayers are answered the way we think they ought to be. Sometimes we don't recognize the answers, and sometimes the answers are "no" or "not yet." I wrote about that a few years ago, here.

Through prayer, I can converse with my Heavenly Father anytime, anywhere. He has helped me deal with anger, hurt, sorrow, disappointment, but we've also had some good laughs together.  

Sometimes, though, I get too "me-deep" in conversation with God. Help me. Bless me. Today I will pray only for blessings upon others.


  1. I haven't seen any of these movies! I will have to add them to my "need to watch" list. Thanks!

    1. Glad I could add to your "need to watch" list!
