Monday, December 14, 2009

So many movies, so little time!

With the semester drawing to a close, I finally had time to watch a couple movies. I want to post my opinions on the movies I saw over the weekend, and I would welcome any comments from the few people that follow this blog.

First, I want to post a disclaimer: I am not using this entry to bash the movie; I truly want input on this topic. What drives this particular story? I am interested to know because the main character in my opinion is so unlikeable. I feel no pity, no sympathy, no connection to Bella at all. I cannot find anything that makes me want to root for her. She wants to die (so to speak) and by the end of the movie I wanted to help her die. Except I dislike her so much, I want to help her really die and not be immortal with Edward. A primary aspect taught in storytelling is that the protagonist has to be likable in some way. The person can be ornery, stupid, whatever, but somehow there must be something likable too--something to make the viewer think, "Okay, I'm behind this person. I want her to succeed, I'm rooting for her cause." Maybe I am missing something since I have not read the book. I read Twilight after I saw that movie and I enjoyed both. I have not read New Moon. So maybe I am missing a key part that makes Bella likable. I figure if the main character is completely unlikeable, there has to be something that drives the story so readers (or the audience) will overlook that major flaw and keep on reading (viewing). Please tell me what the secret is to this story. I really, in all sincerity, want to know. I have heard comments that people liked New Moon better than Twilight, so I feel like I am missing something, somewhere. What is it?

Julie & Julia (2009).
I enjoyed this movie. I got a kick out of Julie saying she was not a writer because she wasn't published. I used to buy into that myth too. It's like an unwritten rule of society that you have to be published to be a real writer. Then I realized, "Hey, does a runner have to run a marathon to be considered a real runner? Does a chess player have to compete in tournaments to be a real chess player?" But, for some reason, most people think writers have to publish, and I get that type of response when people find out I am studying screenwriting. They respond as though I can't be serious unless my screenplay is made into a movie. What if I write a dozen screenplays and not one hits the screen? Does that mean I'm not a screenwriter? Then what did I write?

Anyway, I digress. Overall, the movie was fun and interesting. I enjoyed the way scenes from Julie's life were juxtaposed with Julia's life. Since the movie is based on a true story, I found myself amazed that Julie could accomplish such a tremendous task of cooking all those recipes in a year, especially since she did not get home until around 7 or 8pm and still found time to blog daily. Makes me feel guilty for my sporadic blog posts. :)

I do have one complaint about the movie though: I did not appreciate the F-bomb being dropped out of the blue. Granted, it's my fault that I did not take the time to use a Clearplay filter, but the word did not fit the scene, and did not fit the character that dropped it. So what was that all about? I get angry enough at the use of foul language in movies, but using it just to use it makes me even angrier. Okay, I vented. Now I feel better.


  1. I honestly don't know what it is about the characters that keep me coming back. I definitely like Edward a lot more than Bella, but I don't hate Bella. She does get pretty whiny and stupid in New Moon, though, I do agree. But the reason why I said I liked the movie New Moon better than Twilight was not because of storyline but because it was DONE so much better--a lot more money was put into the production and effects, so I was able to enjoy it more. Although, there were still a few parts where I had to laugh out loud because of the cheesiness (such as the part when Edward's "ghost" figure is shown floating next to Bella under the water...ha!). Anyway, I don't know if any of that makes sense. I'll have to think more about how to put into words what I like about could take awhile. haha =D

    And I look forward to watching Julie and Julia sometime, too!

  2. It would take me a while to think of reasons to like Bella too...

    I didn't actually finish New Moon and have no interest in the movie, because I really despise Twilight.

    I don't like Edward any better than Bella...he's a creepy stalker! So many people say, "well, they didn't have sex!"

    It is my impression Bella would have, she expected Edward to have all the self-control. But Edward wasn't avoiding it for the reason of avoiding sex, but because he was afraid he would kill her. That would wipe out my desire in a hurry, you know?

    That's a small part of why I am shocked that so many people accept this story as wonderful for their daughters.

    Thanks for the place to vent!
